ore 21:15

Chiesa di Santa Maria Nuova
ingresso libero

Renata Marzec, violoncello 
Radoslaw Marzec, organo

was born in 1971 in Białystok (Poland). He studied at the organ class of Prof. Piotr Grajter at The Academy (Conseratory) of Music in Bydgoszcz, where received the Diploma with Special Distinction and the title Magister of Art.
He completed his musical education with prof. Andrè Stricker in Conservatoire National de Règion de Strasbourg in France and obtained „Diplôme de Specialisation d’orgue”.

In 1995-1996 was the stipendiary of Polish Minister of Culture and Art for outstanding achievements and artistic successes. He was active participant in organ masterclasses led by Marie Claire-Alain, Guy Bovet, Ferdinand Klinda and Herbert Wulf. Radoslaw Marzec was also the stipendiary of masterclass in Zürich led by Jean Guillou and International Summer Organ Academy in Saint Bertrand de Comminges led by Andrè Stricker and Michael Chapuis.

In the year 1994 he was the prizewinner of „Grand Prix” in organ competition in Rumia (Poland). In 1999 he was the finalist and receiver the special prize for performing obligatory pieces at Organ Competition in Kalinigrad (Russia).
In 2001 he obtained doctoral and in 2006 doctor habilitated qualifications. In 2005 Polihymnia Publishing House(Poland) put out his book „The Interpretation of Organ Works of Johann Sebastian Bach in the Light of 18 th century Sources”. In 2006 he recorded a CD with music of Polish, XVIIth century composer Adam from Wagrowiec(world premiere recording). It was a world phonographic premiere of this organ music. His music interests and area of expertise includes XVI to XVIII century organ music.
At present he is Titular Professor of the organ at The Nowowiejski Academy (Conservatory) of Music in Bydgoszcz and Rubinstein Secondary School of Music.

Radoslaw Marzec performs recitals at home and abroad as a soloist and with his wife, cellist in duo „Cellorganic.”

Associate professor at The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.
In 1990 she completed her Master’s degree in cello, under Prof. Roman Suchecki’s guidance (Instrumental Studies, The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music). After graduation, Renata Marzec begun to work at her home Academy of Music where she is currently employed and successfully continues to teach and coor¬dinate her cello class, leads chamber music students ensembles and delivers lectures on cello pedagogy techniques.
Renata Marzec regularly concertise in Poland and abroad. She has deepened her knowledge and practice in chamber music by collaborating with Dimitri Sitkowiecki, Jadwiga Kaliszewska, Lech Bałaban, Marcin Sikorski, Bolesław Siarkiewicz and Piotr Reichert.

Renata Marzec and her husband Radosław Marzec are the founders and members of The Cellorganic duet and they have been performing together for several years now. The concerts are intended to popularize the extraordinary repertoire for cello and organ including pieces written by F.Liszt, J.Jongen, M.Dupré, J.S.Bach, A.Vivaldi, A.Scarlatti. The result of this activity is CD recording „BORROWED SOUNDS. Albeniz, Ysaye,Bach, Bruch and Saint-Saens in transcriptions” released by SOLITON CD company in 2016.

Renata Marzec extended her educational activity by organizing many instrumental courses and giving lectures, both locally and internationally.
In years 1999-2002 and 2008-2012 she has been elected associate dean of Instrumen¬tal Department of The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. She was responsible for creating full-time instrumental studies educational programmes. As head of doctoral studies she created doctoral studies’ educational agenda. Between years 2002-2008 and 2012-106 she has been elected dean of Instrumental Department.

At present she is Professor of cello playing at The Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz in Poland.

l'organo concerti d'organo fano 2024
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